3 simple steps to repeat success

Click here to complete the registration form. This will allow us to contact your GP (you will only need to complete this once). If you have already completed the online registration form or a hard copy in the pharmacy, then please leave out this step.
We order and collect your repeat prescriptions for you.
Arrange a convenient time to collect your medicines from the pharmacy and we will have them ready for you or you can have them delivered free of charge to your house or your place of work

We can either order your repeat prescription for you automatically each month or you can telephone/ email us to order what you need.

Phone with your order on 01535 633126 or complete the form below.

We can also offer a FREE PRESCRIPTION REMINDER SERVICE. This free service conveniently helps you to manage your repeat prescriptions. We can call you or send you an email or text message to remind you when your next repeat prescription is due. Phone or email us for further details.

Order form for repeat my medicines


Date of birth

/ /

Your address


Daytime telephone number

Your Email



Please fill in your prescription here

  Drug name Strength

Prescription 1

Prescription 2

Prescription 3

Prescription 4

Prescription 5

Prescription 6

Prescription 7

Prescription 8

Prescription 9

Prescription 10

Prescription 11

Prescription 12

Additional information

Please tick box for

 Collection at the pharmacy Delivery

Prescriptions will take 2 working days.